Forecast - Rocky View Co. near Airdrie and Crossfield
Conditions Humidity Temp Feels Precipitation Windspeed Direction
Today Mainly cloudy Mainly cloudy 50% 7° - 15km/h SE SE
Tonight Clearing Clearing 80% -7° -10° - 5km/h VR
Thursday Mainly sunny Mainly sunny 55% 8° -8° - 5km/h VR
Thursday night Cloudy periods Cloudy periods 85% -10° - -
Friday Periods of snow Periods of snow 90% 0° -
Friday night Cloudy periods Cloudy periods 90% -12° - -
Saturday Sunny Sunny 85% 0° - -
Saturday night Cloudy periods Cloudy periods 70% -6° - -
Sunday Sunny Sunny 60% 4° - -
Sunday night Cloudy periods Cloudy periods 55% -8° - -
Monday A mix of sun and cloud A mix of sun and cloud 50% -1° - -
Monday night Cloudy periods Cloudy periods 60% -11° - -
Tuesday A mix of sun and cloud A mix of sun and cloud 55% -3° - -
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